Ask A Yogi

Overcoming Parental Influences

Each person who strives for maturity must come to grips with the influences of their upbringing. But it’s more nuanced than just “blaming” your parents etc. We attract that which we resonate with or, not. Spiritually speaking, the path is one of rising up out of instinct, subconsciousness, and environmental influences into conscious and intentional living and then finally upwards … Read More

Ask A Yogi

Spiritual Loneliness

As a separate ego we are always alone; as a soul, we are One. How do devotees reconcile feeling isolated from the world, from worldly values and from others on their unique path to God with the goal of Oneness? What is the dark night of the Soul?

Ask A Yogi

How to Meditate if Unwell?

Someone wrote to me to ask how to meditate while having a cold? I had just got over one myself so I thought to share some thoughts. “Tis the season!”

Ask A Yogi

Should I Drop Out?

A young man asks whether his aspiration to live a spiritual life means he should not bother with college, marriage, family and career? I faced this question in the late 60’s and see many young people facing this question now as well.

Ask A Yogi

Experiences in Meditation?

What do we make of meditation experiences which are generally enjoyable or at least interesting? Are they important? Should they be sought?

Ask A Yogi

Is Jesus the center of Christmas?

It is December of 2023 and Christmas day is just a few days away. Are you one of those who do not feel attracted to Jesus Christ, or Christianity? Is there a way to understand Jesus that will allow you to appreciate Christmas and draw from it the inspiration so many others find?

Ask A Yogi

Second Coming of Christ

Will Jesus come again? What is meant by the “Second Coming?” What was the first coming of Christ?