Living With the Masters

Join Nayaswamis Suryadas and Chandi Holliman for this fun outdoor class at the Ananda Community in Lynnwood on August 6, 7, & 10. All are welcome for one or all of these evening classes. Grab dinner at the community at 6:30 pm and stick around for this class in the courtyard.

Through stories, discussion and ceremony, we will explore the lives of our line of gurus and Ananda’s founder Swami Kriyananda. Our emphasis will be on what we can learn about the guru-disciple relationship that will improve and guide our own spiritual lives.

Monday, Aug 6: Life in my Master’s Hermitage. What was it like for the teen-aged Mukunda when he spent all of his free time with his guru, Sri Yukteswar at his hermitage? What can we learn about discipleship, self-offering and obedience to the Guru?

Tuesday, Aug 7:  Babaji’s Golden Palace and the Initiation of Lahiri Mahasaya. What can we take away from the story of Lahiri Mahasaya’s initiation? What does it mean to have a guru that looks after you, even from one life to the next. How can we learn to love the guru as much as he loves us? What is it that the guru wants for us?

Friday, Aug 10: Living with Yogananda. What lessons can we learn from Swami Kriyananda’s life at Mount Washington with his guru Paramhansa Yogananda? What can we, who follow a guru who is no longer in a body, learn from the life of one who lived with and served his guru when he was still in the body?

If you have a copy of Autobiography of a Yogi, please bring it with you to the Monday and Tuesday classes. You can bring your copy of The New Path to Friday night’s class.

No registration required – Just show up by 7 pm. Donations accepted.

Class Facilitator

Nayaswami Suryadas Holliman

Suryadas and his wife Chandi have lived at Ananda’s spiritual community in Lynnwood for over twenty years. He was born and raised in Los Angeles and moved to the northwest…

Nayaswami Chandi Holliman

Chandi Holliman is the Living Wisdom Preschool founder and has been a Pre-School teacher for 16 years. She holds holds the Education for Life teaching certification, Ananda Yoga and Meditation Teacher…