Saturday, September 16, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $25**

** register by the prior Wednesday afternoon and we will provide lunch for free!

Millions of have Yogananda’s now famous and classic spiritual life story, “Autobiography of a Yogi.” Overflowing with spiritual upliftment, universal and expansive metaphysical teachings and stories of saints, few realize what an enormous contribution Yogananda made in the field of health and vitality.

Yogananda created dozens of health and tasty recipes and developed a complete exercise system for a new age that anyone can do and adapt is needed: the Energization Exercises (Tension Exercises). In addition he gave techniques for improving hearing, eyesight, overcoming fatigue, healing self or others, and so much that it will take lifetimes for us to explore.

In this workshop, a sampler of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual tools will be shared and practiced.

“Keep fit for Self-realization” the great master of yoga counseled students! The mind-body spectrum tells us that as we think so we feel, but so too does the body’s health affect how we think and how we feel! A “cure” is not necessarily a “healing” for the roots of disease lay deep in our consciousness. Linking together attitude, exercise, diet, self-analysis, self-control and energy awareness with the Divine Will we can be a dynamo of happiness and health no matter what our challenges.

Stanley Dombrowski, Ananda meditation and yoga teacher, will share with you his knowledge, friendship and dynamic energy.

Minimum preregistration necessary to hold class. Please preregister!

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