Christ was resurrected not only on one Easter morn, but reanimates Himself in the dawn of each soul’s awakening.”

Paramhansa Yogananda

We will live-stream the Easter Service and include music taken from the Oratorio: Christ Lives in the Holy Land and in You!

Easter is more than the holiday of orthodox Christians. It is a universal affirmation of God’s promise of immortality to the soul. Paramhansa Yogananda described the ego as “the soul identified with the body.” For how many lifetimes has our soul been hypnotised by the appearance of our separateness resulting from its confinement in the human body? The “truth” can make us free. Even one step by the “prodigal soul” towards God will bring light into our hearts and minds and strength for the soul’s journey home to the bliss of God. Let us, then, celebrate our own greater awakening.

Easter Service integrates vocal and instrumental music from the acclaimed oratorio, Christ Lives, into the Festival of Light and into the musical segment. Our Service theme is the promise of immortality and spiritual resurrection through self-effort and divine grace, and, through the courage and wisdom to face life’s tests and trials with faith and equanimity

There will NOT be an Easter banquet this year!