A study of the nature of death is a natural inquiry of major significance for the student of yoga philosophy and meditation. Understanding the teachings of karma and reincarnation begs the essential question:how do we make the passage from one lifetime to the next?
Birth and death are part of the life we see all around us. We are not an exception to this round. There might be ways that we can help one another drop the body and enter the astral realms. In this class we will continue the conversation.

Among many other possible subjects, let’s take a look at:
• near death experiences,
• say a bit more about ghosts,and
• look at the best way to handle grief.

Swami Jamuna Snitkin

Swami Jamuna Snitkin

Facilitated by Swami Jamuna Snitkin, Ananda Lightbearer, minister, teacher and artist.