Author Naidhruva Rush comes to Seattle from Ananda Village, CA with her new book Change Your Magnetism, Change Your Life. She brings with her the secrets of success and personal transformation: magnetism. While magnetism is not the common currency of American cultural vocabulary, it nonetheless holds the keys to success in all aspects of one’s life: including happiness itself.

She will speak tonight at East West Bookshop in a summary presentation, but will give the practical solutions and techniques to developing magnetism at a workshop at the Ananda Temple in Bothell on Saturday, Nov 18 at 9:30 am.

Nayaswami Naidruva Rush has been living these teachings, including meditation, for forty years, as part of Ananda. Law professor, civil rights activist, minister and spiritual advisor, Naidruva brings her decades of energy awareness and yogic techniques to share.

Sign up for the presentation here.