Ayurveda & Yoga – The Science of Life Meets the Science of Divine Union

Full Day Price: $95 if registered and paid in advance.

You have the option of participating in the morning session and or lunch independently from the afternoon session. Please note that the morning session is a prerequisite for the afternoon session.

This day of Ayurveda & Yoga exploration is appropriate for all levels; from beginners to yoga teachers. All will benefit. Come, explore your nature. Find inspiration and new ways to bring balance to body and mind. This day will be a playful exploration that will stretch your mind & body.

Introduction to Ayurveda

Saturday, March 16

10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.  $45

We are each unique beings, brought into physical and energetic existence through multifarious combinations of thoughts or “blueprints” of ideas. Ayurved helps us understand how we, with our unique blueprint or constitution, express, both positively and negatively through the activities and tests of life. Our constitution, prakruti, prewires us towards certain tendencies. When in balance we express our very highest nature. We are positive, effective and exude divine qualities. Qualities that inspire others, and allow us to rest contented in Self-awareness. When our constitution is out of balance these tendencies create imbalances, which create dis-ease in both body and mind. To know your constitutional tendencies empowers you with the knowledge to create balance in your life.

In this class we will explore:

  • Prakruti – our nature or our “original creation”
  • Vrikruti – the nature of imbalance
  • The elementary stages of material manifestation – from subtle cosmic gases to solid matter
  • The 3 subtle psychobiological energies (doshas) that constitute and animate each person
  • The qualities of the doshas
  • Your psycholobiological type
  • How imbalances of the doshas affect the body?
  • How imbalances of the doshas affect the mind?

Ayurvedic Lunch – Balancing the 6 tastes

Saturday, March 16

1:30 – 2:45  $20 (preregistration and payment required)

Come and enjoy an Ayurvedic meal and have fun balancing the 6 tastes for a soul nourishing meal. Anyone is welcome to this meal. You must however preregister and pay in advance.

Merging the Sciences: Applying Ayurvedic Wisdom to Asana Practice

Saturday, March 16

3:00 – 5:30 p.m.  $40

Prerequisite: Introduction to Ayurveda

In the afternoon class we will take the knowledge from the morning session into asana practice. We will explore how to bring greater balance to our nature and how to avoid the misuse of the senses. Through this experiential class you will have a deeper understanding of the elements, the doshas, the qualities and how to apply this knowledge to your own asana practice and by extension to your everyday life. If you are a hatha yoga teacher you will gain practical insight into guiding your students. The afternoon workshop will include three 30-minute asana routines designed to bring balance to each dosha.


Niranjana Willow Kushler, E-RYT200, RYT 500

Niranjana has been a meditator and yoga practitioner for over the last 20 years. Through insights gained from her personal practice and from the wisdom of the great yoga Master’s she specializes in using the science of yoga to support individuals personal and spiritual growth. As an adjunct to the science of yoga she has studied Ayurveda and applies this wisdom science to life style and hatha yoga practices. Niranjana is a compassionate and enthusiastic teacher who has the highest intentions in mind for each student.

Randa Hilal, 200 RYT, Holistic Health Coach

From an early age starting in her Grandmother’s kitchen Randa developed an interest in the art of food and nutrition. Through yoga she was introduced to Ayurvedic principals which became an integrative part of her food preparation and way of living. When consciously cooking for her family, friends and community she designs menus to allow others to experience the simple process of applying flavors and textures that elevate the joy and benefit of healthy eating.