This week guest minister Nayaswami Puru Selbie will give the Sunday service talk. Puru, who lives at Ananda Village, has been an Ananda Light-bearer for many decades and is the author of the recently published book ‘The Physics of God’. He and his wife, Lakshmi, were once the spiritual directors of Ananda Seattle. Please join us in welcoming him back this Sunday.

From Puru:
The Golden Rule is shared by all religions: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
Is this rule only a way to encourage good behavior in society or does it speak to a deeper truth?
In this week’s reading we learn that, “To hurt another is, even if one doesn’t realize it, to hurt oneself.”
In physical science there is surprising support that this is literally true. Certain theories of physics, M-theory in particular, suggest that we are all “entangled” in one seamless ocean of subtle energy: any act or thought spreads through that ocean of energy like ripples spreading over the surface of a pond, intersecting and interacting with the countless other ripples set in motion by the thoughts and deeds of countless other people.  
To act contrary to this reality, “is to deny in oneself the reality of that divine life of which all of us are manifestations.”
Warm regards,