Swami Kriyananda tells us that our soul loves to meditate, but the ego doesn’t!  The ultimate goal of meditation is for the ego to dissolve back into the infinite consciousness and so the ego resists. If you are having a hard time meditating (and most of us do at various times), remember this. It is the ego putting up its resistance. Recognize this; acknowledge it, and then use your will power to meditate anyway. Know that the time of struggle will eventually pass, at least for a while.  The experience of meditation for most people is one of constant change – from feelings of going deep into the stillness, to having to struggle to just sit there. The best thing is to do it anyway. Don’t worry about the results – just do your best and give it to God. Master said of the meditation techniques that he gave us, “These techniques are like mathematics. They CANNOT fail.” Our part is to DO THEM regularly and with sincere effort. The techniques are working. We just don’t always recognize it right away. In time you will!

Bless your meditations! Nivritti