Deep Concentration - Key to Meditation - Ananda Washington

Deep Concentration – Key to Meditation

nivritti_smallMeditation is deep concentration on God or one of the 8 manifestations of God as per Yogananda’s definition. The key to this is “deep concentration!”  We can be faithful and practice our techniques regularly but without deep concentration, we won’t be making a lot of progress. Master said, ”Mechanical practice is not enough. There must be sincere interest in what you are doing. You must deepen your devotion.”

He gave the example of going to the movies.  When we are at the movies, we become totally engrossed in the story (if it is a good movie) and will sit very still and be unaware of what is happening around us. We are absorbed in the plot and become like yogis! All because we are very interested in what is happening on the screen.

So too must we be in our meditations. Meditate like you are watching your favorite movie. Master said, “Once you’ve convinced your mind that you really want to meet God in the inner silence, it will be easy for you to sit still and to meditate deeply.”