Bundle of Self-Definitions! - Ananda Washington

Bundle of Self-Definitions!

Swami KriyanandaA theme for the talks in June at Ananda Village in California by Swami Kriyananda revolved around the process of transcending ego and shedding the “bundle of self-definitions” that veil the true Self from our realization. When, in his talks and writings, Paramhansa Yogananda gave to us a definition of “ego” as the “soul identified with the body,” he was offering to us a bridge spanning what otherwise seems to be a chasm between ego-consciousness and cosmic-consciousness. Spiritual writers and teachings often treat the human ego with the equivalent of brick-bats and the notion of “killing the ego” is a common one. But in truth consciousness never “dies,” for consciousness is all there is. Instead of awareness expands beyond limited self-definitions. There are seemingly two complimentary processes or starting points by which we grow towards God-consciousness: the one is through negation of the ego and the other is expansion of self-identity towards Infinity (or the true Self). Both achieve the same goal and, paradoxically, both are needed.

The concept of “shedding our bundle of self-definitions” fits neatly into either process, for by “shedding” we get rid of, and, by expanding our identity we “shed” self-limitations! In the teachings of yoga we speak of the sheaths, or koshas, which must be dissolved that the Spirit within us might be released.

This is no mere abstract subject. The ethnic, racial, national and religious conflicts we find throughout the world are specifically the consequence of colliding self-definitions. If the human race and this planet Earth are to survive weapons of mass destruction and patterns of greed and exploitation, we must shed selfishness and the self-limiting identities of race and nation so that we might know our kinship with all life.

Growth and change always involve a giving up, and a taking up. To regain our physical health, we must avoid junk food and learn to eat and enjoy foods with vitality and nutrition. To regain mental clarity and efficiency, we must discipline our restless tendencies and to concentrate on what’s most important. To regain spiritual awareness, we must replace negativity and doubt with devotion and faith.

Swami Kriyananda gives the example of his composition of hundreds of pieces of music. He has created a new genre of music with virtually no formal training. How, then, is this possible? He refuses to see himself as the “composer.” This approach, when combined with dynamic will and divine self-offering, is the secret of his creativity and inspired musical composition. Genius, he asserts, became associated with madness only in the modern era when creativity began to be viewed as having its source in the ego and subconscious mind. In the classical era which preceded the modern one, inspiration was understood to be a divine gift. Ego consciousness ultimately undermines and thwarts the creative process.

As Lajjana Beeninga, one of the Seattle ministers wrote, just after returning from a weekend of talks by Swamiji, “Master’s bliss flowed through Swamiji all weekend with dynamic energy! His voice was deep and steady. Throughout all of his talks he went right to the core of what the spiritual life must be if we want to find God in this lifetime. I came away with the message that we should learn to serve together and let go of all of our ‘self-definitions!'”

Bruce Davis, resident of Ananda Community in Lynnwood, added: “The love and joy that Swami conveys I found at times overwhelming. We came away feeling like we were floating on clouds!. I highly recommend listening to Swami’s Friday talk (June 20). [You can find it and others at http://www.ananda.org/40anniv/multimedia.html.]

Some might imagine that the process of ego-transcendence strips us of our humanity, stripping from us our capacity for kindness and friendship. Far from it! Consider Natalia’s experience that same weekend when she greeted Swamiji. Natalia, originally from Spain, wrote, “When I talked to Swamiji and he pronounced my name [in Spanish], I felt a great sense of love coming through his voice, like an old friend greeting me.”

For information on Swami Kriyananda’s other public appearances this summer, visit www.ananda.org.

Blessings to you,

Hriman and Padma