Ask A Yogi

Ask a Yogi: How can I be more Spiritual?

To be spiritual be in touch with the Spirit! Within me and all around me Spirit flows silently manifesting all things. Be “Spirit-minded!”

Ask A Yogi

Ask a Yogi: Do I have a Purpose in Life?

Yes! To grow up! To become mature. But our purpose has many levels: the things we do; the skills we develop; to become a greater human being, greater in virtue, wisdom, and compassion. Yes, also to achieve soul freedom. But the question is how? What is the path to freedom?

Ask A Yogi

Ask a Yogi: Can a Yogi have a family?

Paramhansa Yogananda and the lineage of sent him to the West specifically came to expand the tradition of monasticism to include families. Yes! A yogi can have a family as witnessed by Lahiri Mahasaya.

Ask A Yogi

Ask a Yogi: Creativity & the Spiritual Path

In the traditional form of renunciation, creativity was to be rejected in favor of ego transcendence. Ego transcendence remains central to our spiritual growth but now, in this age, attunement to the Divine more naturally draws to us being mindful, being present, and acting ever-new and ever-fresh with creativity.

Ask A Yogi

Ask a Yogi: Importance of Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance is natural in the last stage of life because the persistent hope for the future has faded and the horizon of the final exam is coming into view. But everyone can benefit from learning self-acceptance.

Ask A Yogi

Ask a Yogi: Climate Change

How might we feel about the issue of climate change? What can we do? What can a yogi’s attitude be towards such important issues?

Ask A Yogi

Ask a Yogi: Hong Sau (watching the breath)

I’d like to share some thoughts about the all important, widely practiced and very popular meditation technique of watching the breath. A little known benefit of this practice is noted.

Ask A Yogi

Ask a Yogi: Am I smart or am I dumb?

No one is perfect until we achieve Self-realization. Therefore, be careful. Dumb or smart or, more likely, both or each sometimes! Confidence or lack of confidence, either can be misleading and unhelpful.