
The practical wisdom of Raja Yoga includes tools for working with the subconscious mind to change habits, and for using the breath to release tension and emotional blocks.

The secrets of success—personal magnetism, right attitude, creativity, and energy—form an integral part of the yoga science. This course features the modern, now “classic” textbook by Swami Kriyananda, The Art and Science of Raja Yoga

Hatha Yoga includes: yoga postures (asanas),  pranayama,  affirmations,  healing, diet, and yoga routines.

Raja Yoga includes: meditation practices using breath, mantra, pranayama, affirmation, chanting, visualization, and chakra exercises; philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali’s Eightfold Path of Ashtanga Yoga; and the philosophy of Karma, Kundalini, astral and causal planes, cosmology, reincarnation, and much more.

Costs: Tuition for the Hatha & Raja Intensive is $395.00, but don’t miss out on the Early Bird Discount to $365 if you register and pay in full by December 18, 2022. Text is purchased separately. 

Students taking the Intensive as their prerequisite, foundation course for teacher training have documentation fees of $45, plus must already be enrolled in the Institute of Living Yoga ($50).