Thursday, May 14, 2020, from 7-8 pm, $12

Class is led via Zoom.  Pre-registration is required. Link to be sent after registration

When life feels out of your control, you can stay on top of worry and anxieties by using simple meditation tools.  Working with your breath can greatly relax the body and calm the mind.  Knowing where to focus your attention can help the mind concentrate.  Releasing tension with the conscious relaxation techniques of breath and mindfulness can help reduce and remove anxieties of all kinds.  The techniques of meditation, though simple, are powerful and can change your life.

Offer by Sita Tocco. Sita is a certified Ananda Meditation and Yoga Teacher.  Sita holds a special place in her heart for teens. She was a middle school teacher before having her own children, who are just leaving their own teenage years.